Friday, July 30, 2010

Ha! You were not correct.

Dude texted me for non-specific and lame reason Tues night. On thurs we had a convo at 3 am. What would we do without text?? He also emailed me on Mon, though I didn't get it until today. And tonight :) several times :) Methinks Sunday might see some action. One can only hope.

I'm back! A week off festering disease, dysfunction and well, I can't think of another dis-word. Anyway, it was good. Calvin developed what we're calling phleboffles - rash and fever - which lasted all fucking week. I think it was psychosomatic. Arrived the day we got there and left as we departed. He shook like a leaf after a few i minutes in the water. Plus Jack got pinkeye and I got a stye on my eye (FYI a tea bag cleared that up so fast I almost forgot I had it!).

Lake Huron was great - it was nice and shallow. Jack tried as hard as he could but even he couldn't drown himself. The waves were HUGE that day we got there and a few other days, and the kids had so much fun in them. Jack would get swamped by a huge wave, tossed on the rocky shoreline, and emerge grinning to do it all again. Pictures will follow when I've downloaded them. I loved the rocks. Fossils everywhere, cool colours, amazing combinations of stones...

The drama - my brother and his revelations - was a bit anti-climactic. I know it was coming, but my mom was so full of drama. She kept trying to tell him what a mistake he was making. That boat has sailed, mom. Me, I was all abut "man up and take responsibility for your kids". He arrived at the cottage without any food. Personally, I don't give a rats arse, but I gave him a good lecture on how he needs to show the kids that he can do the mom-thing; provide properly, take care of the stuff she normally would do. I almost think that registered. I was not impressed.

At one point my mom was sobbing in the car and I just threw up my hands and walked away. When she came up later to "explain" I had no time for it. I said, with no small irritation, that I understood she was torn, but that I was sick of the drama. If anyone had show the slightest inclination towards tears when MY life was falling apart, I might have been more sympathetic, but no one acted like this at all! Stop with the drama!

Wow - that was something for our repressed family.

Steve the dick, when picking up the kids, announced that the numbers I sent him for pour very simplistic child support calculations were off. When I pointed out with incredulity that I had only fixed the number of days in what he sent me, and nothing more, he waffled on about percentages, 40%, changing the formula, blah blah blah.... Even I couldn't take it anymore. Kids present or not I said you've had a month and a half to look at this and NOW you want to change the whole fucking formula??? It's YOUR formula! I was so pissed off I basically kicked him out of the house. He was all, we need to talk about it and I said WHATEVER and kicked them all out. WTF? He's so stupid his eyed are tied on his arsehole.

Got a new phone. It a fancy-arse Nokia E63 which does more that I need but at least I can text properly. Technology is a bitch - it makes me feel old when I can't unlock the GD thing. Ah well. It works with my ultra-cheap Speakout wireless plan and can get email at home. So it took me forever and I never managed to import my contacts, I switched SIM cards with the one from my other Nokia! Colour me pleased with myself. I am giving my old phone to Orly. She needs one for the kids and has zero tech needs. Reduce, reuse recycle.

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