Sylvi was rocking along until I got to the fronts. Now I'm just bored with the seed stitch so progress is glacial.
My second pair of Embossed Leaves socks are almost done, thank god. I am NEVER knitting for someone I don't care about again, no matter how high the bribe. Plus my stupid socks are all getting holes in the feet. I am NEVER knitting socks with yarn the doesn't have nylon in it again. (like all the NEVERs? sure sign of imminent demise.)
I knit neckwarmers for my kids. Since I am parent of the year already, I sent my kids to school without scarves on the coldest days in history. They won't wear them. I thought neck-tuques might help. Actually I only knit one. The other one was the stupid red hat - I just ripped out the top and cast off again. Genius! Laziness rules the day again.
Tried knitting new mitts for Jack, but after fucking up three times I gave up in disgust.
Started the cashmere handmaiden hat, but hated the pattern given as it was just moss stitch (see Sylvi comments). Kill me now. I'm contemplating doing the straight part on my machine as then I can wear it before summer. Love my machine, BTW, but it's a huge timesucker. I could spend DAYS figuring it out. Maybe I can get the flu or something...
Speaking of timesucking, after knitting Cuddly a BSJ and Baby a dress, I decided it was much more efficient to sew stuff. Sure enough, I knocked off a silk (chosen by Calvin) dress for Barbie in the time it took for the kids to bathe. Damn, that Barbie is a classy chick when she tries.
My only NY resolution this year is to find myself an affordable housekeeper and keep her. I haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaate cleaning the house. What a waste of time. (Oh yeah, and to try and use less commas and more pronouns. Lazy bitch.)
I've done my good deed for the month - I had my mom come and stay with me so she didn't freeze to death while the power was out. I am going to have to teach her some manners - she's been living alone too long. Sandwich generation indeed - I'm teaching my mom and my kids the same things.
Think happy thoughts. And drink wine.