Monday, August 4, 2008


Ah, long weekend. Is there a better way to spend one's time? (Well, of course there is, but if I wanted your opinion I'd give it to you.)

I recovered the waving lace socks, and I decided not to frog my clap. I really wanted to, but I think it's OK this way and I'm a fair way in. Plus it's just so pleasing to look and and feel.

The end is in sight for the tiger dress. I am officially on the last chart. OK, it's the huge and complicated one, but still. It's the last one. Interestingly, when I finished the chart last night, I couldn't make myself move on to the last one. I wonder what Freud would say about that? (Actually, it doesn't take Freud...) I want to have this done for KW on Sept 13, but that may be a bit of a pipe dream. We shall see.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

your knitting station looks so summery.
have knitted up a storm (well for me it was a storm) on the damn rabbit. i think the pattern called for too many pieces - need some knitterly advice.
don't want to return to work, yet need money and cannot whore self with this body.