Wednesday, March 10, 2010

ABC of peeves

A is for Assholes who run around on their partners
B is for Bell Canada - how do I hate thee?
C is for Cunts - you know who you are
D is for Deadbeat dads everywhere
E is for Expectations which are unreasonable
F is for Fat - why does anyone care?
G is for Girls who let themselves be doormats
H is for Heathers everywhere
I is for Idiots - stay away from me
J is for Jilted, well related to A
K is for Karma, one can only hope it gets those who deserve it - I can't tell
L is for Lavalife, scummy and vile
M is for Manners, where have they gone?
N is for Nanny-nastiness - treat her well or you'll pay!
O is for Obnoxious people
P is for Patience. I have none
Q is just Q
R is for Rage. I have too much.
S is for Slippery, Slimy, Scuzzy steve.
T is for Tit
U is for Unfortunate incidents everywhere.
V is for Violence
W is for Wimp. Grow a spine
X is for Xs. Just go away.
Y is for Yellow, colour of barf.
Z is for Zed, not Zee.

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