Sunday, January 6, 2013

New Year

I have no burning resolution to blog more this year.  I don't aim to tell people how much better I will be this year.  I don;t think last year sucked particularly hard, but I always hope the new one will be better.  I'm just tired of reading people's self-righteous rituals for the new year. 

This new year I played cards with Michele for about 8 hours.  We got pretty nicely drunk, crashed my neighbour's party for half an hour or so and then retreated home.  I peed in the snow.  This was a huge improvement over last year because A.  I was wearing rubber boots not the Rue Paul spangly porn shoes, B. there was snow, C. I didn't try and wear pants, I just took off my tights and bare-assed it.  So yes, I wrote my name! 
Clear as day, isn't it?!  Check that off my list of things to accomplish in 2013.

Doesn't that make you feel better about your life?  I didn't pass out at the top of my stairs this year so I think that's a good start to the year.

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