Ayway, Sylvi seems to be back. I tried again today. I boldly cast on with the 8mms, knit briskly for a couple of inches and then realized AGAIN I had neglected to slip the edge stitches. Sigh. Ripped back and started again. Then decided the gauge was too loose. Ripped back, and pulled the end out of my KP cable. Bugger. Perused the PPs selection of needles in a funk. Decided needle manufacturers were high. Thought in the interests of economy I would try the Chigoogy needles or whatever they're called. Bamboo, feh. But the cables were thinner than the Addis and the needle length was longer (what, does Addi think I like knitting on something resembling a short, fat crayon?) and the price is excellent.
Tried again. Actually, the needles are good. The cables could be better, but not impossible and at least they're thin. The bamboo actually works for me. Since I'm knitting on 6.5mms instead of something like a 7, I decided I have to do the entire gazillion miles of seed stitch continental. That should be interesting. It's not hard so much as awkward, and my hand hurts already, but we'll see how that goes.

And look! It's christmas shopping! I vow to complete it this weekend, whether it kills me or not. The housework may suffer a bit though.

Now what on earth shall I buy myself? Whatever it is, I know it will be just what I wanted.
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