Blocking you was hard, very hard. How you resisted conforming to the shape I sought. I knew it was possible as I had bent the back to my will but you, gentle fronts and arms, were not blessed with as soft and spacious a blocking spot as he had. No, you were put on the knitting equivalent of the rack - the drying rack.
However, persistence won through - you are worth it, sweet Sylvi. Only 90 minutes of toil and you were in position. I truely expected you to be dry this morning, but circumstances have foiled us again. Damn furnace - I see your attempts at sabotage, but my good repair man will fix you up quickly and we will soon be blessed with warm drying winds again. As we speak, Berlin is sourcing an ignitor at great expense, but it's worth it for my red love.
I'm sorry for the rack, but there is no pleasure without pain.

sophie better be worth it after all this work.
she might not act up any further afater being subjected to the rack.
also the good thing about being cold is it makes you feel real skinny.
eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE HER!!!! am on my second sleeve of do you do it?
miss you.
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