Monday, July 19, 2010

Hope sends you emails

I'm not the kind of person who can wait passively to see what the outcome of the other night's adventure is. I need to know the interest level before I work myself into a lather. So I sent Smokey an email just saying I had a good time etc. etc., and he replied in kind! Again, not being one to be happy with that minor success, I then went way out on a limb and said while I was busy for the next two weeks, maybe we could do something in two weeks.

Well, much to my surprise, he said...

I should be around :) let's talk as it gets closer :)
And the smileys are his. I think I'm in love.

No, I'm more realistic than that. It's never going to be a move-in-and-live-happily-ever-after thing, but who knows what it *will* be. I'll take another kick at that can as a beginning (if it even materializes) and see how it goes from there. If it does happen again, maybe we could have some sort of low-key "discussion". Just because I'm that sort of gal :)

Oh, and he texted me back too, even if he was mocking my ancient texterater. I like to cover all my tech bases.

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