Oh. My. God. I have become the drywall commercial. It's sickening. Nauseating. And pretty damn awesome.
After a few days of really good email exchange, we decided we couldn't wait until Tuesday and I got a babysitter for Sunday night. This way, I thought, if it's good we can do someting fun on Tuesday and if it sucks I haven't wasted a quality evening on some innernet dude. I was completely prepared to find him disappointing - email is usually a bad predictor of future behaviour.
Not this time.
Dude shows up and he is WAY cuter than his pics. Looks young and adorable and has dimples for god's sake. And all his hair, not grey at all! Very smiley, excellent personality, funny, charming and totally into me. But not in the creepy way of #3. Not at all. Maybe because I was the same.
I've never experience anything like that - it was weird. I had absolutely no problem making conversation with him, but now and then we'd just stop and stare at each other. Then we started holding hands. Pretty much doing as much physical contact as you can do seated across the table from someone in a public place. If hands could have sex, our would have. So here we are gazing across the table into each others eyes. If I had been watching I would have barfed. I may indeed have sicked a little up in my own mouth. It wasn;t just the physics, though. It was totally a mental thing as well.
I think it was the fact that he was so obviously into me. Very good for the confidence level. He thought I was "cute as a button" which he said was the most socially acceptable thing he could think of to say in public. Har. He didn't seem to have any sense that it might have been a disaster. He's mildly suggestive in a very hot yet inoffensive way. Confident but not arrogant. Talkative but not a bore. Good listener. Funny. Perfect.
We met at 7:30. Left at 11:30 despite the fact that I told the sitter I'd be home at 11. Oops. We barely made it out the door before we were making out in the vestibule (what a great word) and we got some serious necking in before someone else left and made us stop.. Walked to the subway, made out some more and then went our respective directions. Absolutely no doubt in anyone's mind that we'll be getting busy on Tuesday.
Oh yeah. I'm such a classy broad. It was snowing like crazy and I was quite wet when I arrived. Little did I know that my mascara had smudged onto my upper eyelids. When I finally went to pee and noticed, I was horrified. I looked like a crazy person. He was too polite to say anything, either before or after the repair for which I am eternally grateful. It was sort of hidden by the tops of my glasses, but I don't think he could have failed to see.
And he still likes me.
hahhaha mascara was running.
no guy would comment on that on the first meeting! maybe he thought you were trying to goth it up a bit.
does he live on his own?
is he for sure employed?
god i hope he;s not a hermaphrodite, or our little game of a few weeks ago may come to pass.
Yes, lives on his own, yes employed. Hermaphrodite - you would have to throw that out there. How am I supposed to concentrate now when I'm wondering WWJD???
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