We took advantage of the absence of forecasted rain to go to the beach today. I forget how lucky we are having the lake in our back yard. I was whinging how I would love a cottage where the water was nice and shallow and I could just let the kids do their thing... Lake Ontario is even better! No three hour drive, absolutely free - even parking, no groveling to certain people about whether we can use the place. I'm always shocked at how few people go there. OK, there's a fair amount of garbage on the beach, but the water is the same old water that people vacation in all over. A few bad e. coli days here and there but hey, our days usually involve e. coli in some way, shape or form so I'm not complaining. I vow to go more often.

Don't try this at home folks:

And my piece de resistance, another knock off bag, somewhat modified for ease of construction. This one only took an hour, and it would have taken less but I had to recut a piece. I went to town on this and cut from the CENTRE of the piece of fabric, gasp. What would my mother say? It was worth it though, the pattern was perfect there. I am quite pleased.

Please ignore the copy of Breaking Dawn on the table. I am mortified to be caught with it in my possession.
You are absolutely right about the beach. We forget it's in our backyard and choose to drive f'n 3 hours to find water. Silly us.
Poor DS#2 - glad he survived the maw of big mac.
AND I LOVE YOUR NEW BAG! (jealous 100)
Me too. Green with envy of your new bag. Maybe we can make me one on our sewing date.
WTF happened to the little one?
what the heck happened to jackie? LURRRRRV the new bag and can't imagine it taking only 1 hour!!!!!
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