Monday, June 21, 2010

Another one bites the dust

OK, I really gave this guy the benefit of the doubt. He said he was average... and he was. Not fat. He has a job, a kid, seemed relatively intelligent despite poor poor typing skills.


In person, he had some serious flaws. He talked a mile a minute (kind of like his multiple emails) and got...brace yourself... spittley at the corners of his mouth. OK to talk to, a bit too agreeable. but whatever.

Major flaw - manners. He had a drink when I arrived. Fine, but he had already paid for it, didn't ask if I wanted one certainly didn't offer to pay for it. He's a cheap tipper and bitched about the cost of the beer. And it was hot today and he was sitting in full-on sun when I arrived. He didn't ask if I wanted to move to the shade and he sat with his back to the sun while I had it full in my eyes. Never once took off his sunglasses.

Really? Can you make a SMALL effort? Would that kill you? You got an hour to make the best impression possible - and you didn't. Your mother would be ashamed. No wonder these people are single.


My central park hoody might be a victim of the Tottenham bluegrass debacle. I left it in my brother's van and I'm scared to ask for it back in case he doesn't have it. All that Malabrigo... *sob*. All that work. Back and two almost completed fronts. Sigh. That'll teach me.

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