What's that bird that makes a chirping sound like an annoyingly yippy puppy? It starts just before dark and goes on for what seems like forever. Drives me batty.
I have done something unspeakable to the whole left side of my mouth - it feels like all the gums are really sensitive, plus I have a toothache in each tooth. Could this possible be from clenching my teeth? I dunno, but I shall have to go to the dentist if it doesn't let up in a few days...
Went on a real date last night, which went OK but I haven't heard anything from dude so it was probably a disaster. He made me play frisbee. Talk about a well-prepared dude, I guess he dates a lot. Actually, he told me he does so I am unsurprised by his slickness. He's got that Mike Green upper lip though, so I don't know if I can get over that. MG was one creepy dude. Plus, who wears spandex bike shorts on a first date? What ever happened to making a good first impression? One *can* bike in regular clothes with out spontaneously combusting, you know.
Weekends off are great. I slept in until noon today - what sloth! Then I cleaned the kids' rooms - even under the beds!, fixed Jack's light (which has been draped over the door to the closet and finally the handle of the closet) for months now so I thought it was time... I'm reeeaaaallly slow but I get there eventually. Planted snow peas, lettuce and cucumber.
Oh yeah! When I was buying the veggie plants, I sailed in at 4:45. It's one of those temporary set-ups enclosed by wire fencing for the growing season, set up in the parking lot of No-Frills and it closes at 5. Anyway, I pick my plants and go up to the cash to pay. However... not only is there no-one at the cash but the fencing has been chained shut! And it was only 4:50. I can't say I was hysterical or anything but I did wonder what the chances of me climbing the fence were like. Slim, I should think. Of course I happened to be wearing a skirt, how appropriate! Now I'm not the kind of person who will ask a perfect stranger to go find someone to let me out so imagine my relief when who should come along but Shannifer's sister, Andrea! I have never been so happy to see someone in all my life. She toddled off to ask the management about springing me and offered to stay with me till I was released. Fortunately just then the guy who runs it came back - just a pee break. Glad I didn't have to go all McGuyver on the temporary fencing. All that for five bucks worth of plants.
BM's pa seems to be out of the woods. Death's door one day and perky as hell the next. Isn't the body a mysterious thing? Colour me relieved.
(Wow but I lead a fascinating life.)
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