Sunday, June 13, 2010

Inane remarks to put off snacking.

Ah, another weekend bites the dust. This one was quite harmonious! Maybe it's the vitamins, maybe it's the phase of the moon but Calvin and I seem to be getting along a bit better these days. Jack, of course, is a phase or two behind and is still trying to be the bad boy, but I can cope with him. He calls me mama when he's being sweet. How can that not melt your heart?

I gotta stop eating. Suggestions? Anyone know a good electroshock therapist? I keep having good intentions, but then I go to the grocery story and boxes of ice cream sandwiches follow me home. How does that happen? I have the body of a 55 year old man, complete with gut from underboob to gunt. I should be belting my pants under my boobs. Hey, weren't high-waisted pants coming back???? Maybe I could make a fashion trend actually work for me.

My little gardening experiment seem to be taking off. I have about 6 sprouted seeds and have transplanted them to soil. That should kill them off. I'm looking forward to the process of eliminating the ones with balls. Genocide? Homicide? Maleicide? Just plain sex selection? Hitler would be proud.

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