Thursday, March 19, 2009

F is for forensics, futility and, not least of all, FUCK

I came home with the kids today and there was a cop car parked on my street. Not unheard of, but unusual. We went to McDonald's to shorten our lifespan and when we came home not only was the cop car still there, there was a forensics van as well. Just as we got out of the car, one of my neighbours was talking to the police so when she was done I asked her what was up. I figured the usual, drugs or a spot of domestic violence.

It turns out that our neighbour Martha had fallen down the stairs and died. DIED.

Martha lives alone except for her dog, so this could have turned into one of those things that you read about in the Sun. Fortunately (or unfortunately for the friend) her friend found her this morning. Martha was legally blind, although she could see a bit. She walked with a white stick, but recognized me enough to say hi in the park the other day.

Which brings me to the cops again. I said to my neighbour Jenny, I just saw her yesterday! and Jenny said, I think you should tell that to the cops. So I did and they said are you sure? and of course I was far from sure. They were trying to establish timeline. My days are a big blur of routine... go to work, come home, pick up the kids, put them to bed, repeat. I *thought* it was yesterday, but it could have been Tuesday. How's that for feeling like a totally incompetent dork? The only thing that saves me from being a total evidenciary nightmare is my ability to admit I might be wrong.

Martha was a lovely woman, younger than my mom. They said she didn't suffer and I really really hope that's true. Jen said she heard her dog barking on Tuesday night. I can only imagine how awful it must have been for her.

Life is short, man.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

E is for Ewing's Sarcoma

I should have known. I was having a bit of trouble with E. Eat. Economy. Nothing seemed quite right.

My (other) friend Barb called me tonight. She lost her job a few months ago, and I knew she had a new one but hadn't heard the details. Fortunately she landed on her feet "in these tough economic times" (drink everyone!) and got what sounds like a great job, close to home, compatible hours and friendly colleagues. I'm so happy for her.

I've known Barb for almost 24 years. We met in first year university and we've been friends every since. She comes from a family of eight kids - Carolyn, Bill, Mark, Jamie, Craig, Chris, and Barb is the baby (there's another one in there but I can't remember where or who). The news that I'm not so happy about is that her brother Jamie has Ewing's Sarcoma. I've never heard of it but it's in his leg and he has to have chemo for 10 months before they decide what to do. Brutal.

Ewing's Sarcoma is rare. There are no known risk factors, no genetic link and no known prevention - kind of like being hit by cancer lightning. It does seem to be treatable, though.

My eating problems and the stupid economy seem pretty trivial in comparison.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

D is for dummy, disorganized, dumbass and dumb luck

Again I win the award for the worst mother ever. I constantly feel like I am juggling 10 balls in the air and I'm about to drop them all . If reality, I'm lucky if I only drop one or two. This time it's fucking swimming - AGAIN. You would think I would know better by now. I was SURE I had the right registration date in my head. Positive in fact, but I thought I'd start getting my ducks in a row and check things out today. Imagine my disgust when I realized TODAY was the registration. For those of you who are thinking "good save - you were lucky to check it on the right day!" think again. Trying to get into swimming in Toronto is a competitive sport in itself. You have to line yourself up at 7am with your client numbers (good luck finding those), course codes and credit card info, and dial/refresh like your life depends upon it. If not, you are so screwed. There are 4 kids in a preschool swimming class, and trying to get your kid into one that's outside of working hours and before they go to bed… good luck.

I didn't have anything - my client numbers are at home, of course and I didn't even have the book at work. After a bout of self-flagellation, in desperation I decided to phone up and get my numbers and then see what I could crowbar myself into. I hit the jackpot in the shape of a lovely and competent operator. Not only did she get Calvin into a class, she got Jack in! I wasn't going to register Calvin without Jack (the prospect of that nightmare makes my head spin) so I am delighted.

There's an upside and a downside to the scenario, of course.

Down: They're not going on the same day, so that means two days of swimming performance.
Up: They did get in

Down: Jack's class is on the weekend and across town in Parkdale
Up: It's on a Sunday and STD will have to take him half the time.

It's hard not to find pleasure in the little things.

Monday, March 9, 2009

C is for Chaos

OK, C was going to be for complete, when I finished Sylvi, but I don't think that's in the cards.

The kids are driving me mad again so I did a bit too much yelling tonight. A thousand delays before bed and I had had enough. A few hours later I go up to get something and pass the cat on the stairs. I pat her on the way by and she's wet. Weird, I think.

I go do my thing, casually checking for spilled glasses of water, but I see nothing. I tuck Calvin back in and go to tuck Jack in. He's lying on the bed with the covers off, pullup around his ankles. Sigh. Then I start to notice that my left foot seems wet. And the covers are SOAKED. WTF? But his bed is only a little wet and his pants are barely damp. ????

Best as I can see, he stood up in bed, pulled down his pants, peed on the cat, covers, floor AND his stuffed alligator, and went back to sleep. It's not bad enough that I have one that talks, grind his teeth and occasionally walks in his sleep. Now I have one who pees in his sleep.

Can life get any better?

Sunday, March 8, 2009

B is for bored

All I have left on poor Sylvi is 1/2 of one flower. I loathe knitting these flowers, simple though they are, but more than that I dread sewing them all on. That's all I have left so I am procrastinating like crazy.

I have been eyeing the Foliage hat pattern on Knitty for a while, but when Sarah stared wearing hers to the Purl I fell in love. It was beautiful, and knit out of the lovely Malabrigo, which I have in my stash. I have been trying to knit some of my stash up lately, so it was perfect. (We shall not discuss the recent additions to my stash that won't get knit up for years at this rate.)

So I stash dove and found this great Malabrigo clone, bought in my soaker-making days. 100% Purewool, single ply, scrummy soft. Green of course since it's foliage (and also since Sarah's is green). I'm nothing if not original.

Started Friday night, finished Saturday night, no modifications to needle size, unbelievably fun to knit. All projects should be so rewarding.

Guaranteed to make me look like a dork.

Friday, March 6, 2009

A is for Advice

I rarely have anything intelligent to say so as inspiration I shall work my way through the letters of the alphabet, trying to find something marginally relevant to say. So...

Per yesterdays entry and the spectre of Fairycakes rearing his head, I am looking to the Globe and Mail for advice. My Arian horoscope today reads:

Venus in your birth sign makes you even more romantic than usual, if that is possible, but not everyone seems pleased that you have allowed your heart to rule your head. Watch out that your passion does not get you into some serious hot water today.

Words to live by. Remeber the "I'm going to get fired" incident of 2007?.

Also - accomplishment. The knitting of Sylvi is finished except for two flower petals. I am supposed to be knitting mamma some socks for her birthday, but I can't leave Sylvi alone.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

This is getting creepy

Through the joys of Facebook, I get the occasional email about job openings for which I am imminently unqualified. Innocently I click on the link, scroll through a few jobs, and then I see this:

Our client has an established presence in all global AIDS crisis zones including East and South Africa. They also recently opened a 36,000 square foot state-of-the-art lab in New York. Exceptional management team and board, the Vice President of Vaccine Development is former Global Vice President of Process Development at Sanofi Pasteur, the largest vaccine company worldwide.World class corporate (i.e. Pfizer, Bristol-Meyers, Google) and foundation (i.e. Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation) financing.
Position Location
Senior Director, Regulatory Affairs New York

I swear someone is messing with me.