Tuesday, March 17, 2009

E is for Ewing's Sarcoma

I should have known. I was having a bit of trouble with E. Eat. Economy. Nothing seemed quite right.

My (other) friend Barb called me tonight. She lost her job a few months ago, and I knew she had a new one but hadn't heard the details. Fortunately she landed on her feet "in these tough economic times" (drink everyone!) and got what sounds like a great job, close to home, compatible hours and friendly colleagues. I'm so happy for her.

I've known Barb for almost 24 years. We met in first year university and we've been friends every since. She comes from a family of eight kids - Carolyn, Bill, Mark, Jamie, Craig, Chris, and Barb is the baby (there's another one in there but I can't remember where or who). The news that I'm not so happy about is that her brother Jamie has Ewing's Sarcoma. I've never heard of it but it's in his leg and he has to have chemo for 10 months before they decide what to do. Brutal.

Ewing's Sarcoma is rare. There are no known risk factors, no genetic link and no known prevention - kind of like being hit by cancer lightning. It does seem to be treatable, though.

My eating problems and the stupid economy seem pretty trivial in comparison.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

life sucks, big time.