Sunday, June 19, 2011

What number is this? Eight?

D'you know what the problem with dating when you a hundred and two like I am is?  Your friends get pretty sick and tried of your rhapsodizing/complaining/sobbing/angsting.  Back when you're young and silly and all your friends are young and silly there's a whole host of people willing to play the dating game with you:

- Do you think he's cute?
- OMG he's totally cute and he totally likes you.  I can totally tell.
- Do you think so?  I thought he liked Jenny.
- No way man.  Jenny's totally ancient history.  And Matt told Karl who told Suzi who told me that he's totally into you.
- What if he doesn't call me?  Should I call him?  Should I text him 100x an hour unitl he calls me?
- He'll call you.  He was totally into you.  But don't call him.  It'll make you look like you like him.

etc. etc. etc.

While teenage girls can do this with no apparent limit, grown ups cannot.  While they act supportive and willing to listen to your stories, the inner eyerolling is hard to disguise.

So of my epic 12 hour date I have one thing to say:  Drywall 1:  Wallpaper 0.  And that's a good thing :)

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