Monday, April 20, 2009

L is for all things L

Lava dude - who I have prepared myself to be a little short of physical perfection. I found myself poring over his pictures, asking myself is that a bulge of fat? Do I see a potbelly? until I mentally slapped myself. Look in the mirror. More to the point, look around you - do you know any 40-something men who are perfect? I thought not. Lighten up and be grateful as he may not be so horrified by your gunt.

Lickerish - hours of entertainment and eye candy - say no more.

My lovely doctor who had us in, x-rayed and out in under 30 minutes. Jack now has a great appreciation for the structure of the human foot.
Injured? Who's injured?

Steps - the hard part is done. (yeah those last two have nothing to do with L)

And lemon cupcakes in progress despite my damned oven giving up the ghost haf way through. I called 9-1-mom and discovered you CAN cook cupcakes under the broiler. Go figure. But now I can get a new one! Yay! No more cooking on two burners, with no buzzer or oven light.

1 comment:

GUNTer said...

OMG! pooooooooor J's foot!
Your conclusion on the emerg visits are accurate. I don't even think they would prioritize you if you were NOT breathing. USELESS!

AND - you can cook cupcakes under the broiler? HUH? must discuss - does not compute.