Thursday, May 7, 2009

Lighten up, Francis.

Does this really warrant a freak-out? It was supposed to be light and funny. Feh
So, when you're bored, drop me a line and tell me all the things I should know. Axe-murderer? Live with mummy? Seven wives in the basement? Seven bodies in the basement? Kingpin in Russian mob? Oh yes, Chekov, I've got your number.
I will excerpt his long and girly response:
... that was kind of a dark note and it scares me a bit. I'm a vegatarian social activist type's just a little odd to talk about such dark stuff... I would like to know if you are someone who drinks a lot or not because that is something i would not be able to accept in any potential mate, [OK, potential mate?????? We haven't even MET!!!] but have no problem with a friendship with someone who likes to booze it up, it's just not for me. I myself feel strongly that i must live a clean life as an environmentalist...
Moralistic twat. Can he really be that bad? I thought the yoga in the profile was a JOKE. Besides, yoga and drinking go so well together.

Crazy-cat-lady man is looking better and better. At least he understands me (further tasteless remarks deleted as I might regret it).


GUNTer said...

he thinks *THAT* was a *DARKNOTE*. HAHFHHHSHF seriously im laughing. real. hard.
i just get an odd feeling that he's a faker and won't show up to the date. darknote or no.
AHAHAHAHH DARKNOTE. ahfaihfidshfiahf

Lise said...

We shall see. This time I have ZERO expectations. Hard to go wrong like that. I can always have coffee (or drinks, since I am an alcoholic after all) with myself.