Dear FC,
You are very lucky. My friends did not tell me of the latest piece of gossip circulating through the rumour mills until today. Had I know that you were GETTING MARRIED while I had all weekend to myself I may just have driven to ‘burbia and beaten you to a pulp.
You are foolish if you think that is acceptable behaviour, and you should be wary. Women are quite cranky when made to feel like complete idiots. Thanks so much. I really wish to repeat this experience again.
My only (minor) consolation is that you seem to have left a trail of women behind you…I’m sure they’ll all be just as thrilled with the news. On the other hand, maybe I was the only one stupid enough to be suckered by you. Humph.
Best wishes to your fiancĂ©e in the future – I think she’s going to need it.
[Please please tell me you’re not scratching your head in confusion, saying I don’t understand, what did I do? I may have to beat you again for that].
Why do all my “episodes” end with such a tremendous crash? I think I’ll bow out forever and stick with tv and knitting, boring but much safer. Although there’s always JQ.
Still rampent speculation in the co. regarding whether he quit or was fired. And even *gasp* his sexual orientation. Apparently women have tried to fire him up numerous times over the years with no success so that naturally leads to the homo speculation. I can’t see it, myself, but you never know…Maybe the marriage thing is just spec. Trying to get more goods from Cathy but it’s slow going. Now I just want to know – my personal involvement in this situation is so over. It’s done. Finis. Caput.

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