Da pants are going for a ride on my bike.
I feel an inordinate amount of love for these pants. Maybe because they're my first real acid dye. The colours are amazing, and they knit up OK, not marvelously - too much leg pooling for my liking, but what the heck. And they are supposed to be small, but the only thing small about them is the rise and the length of the legs. Still, I love them like crazy. The BFL dyed up like a dream and feels and looks like my gold standard: WWBN. I shall gift them on to my friend A and her charming baby Evan - my sole cloth diapering friend with a boy. I just need to gauge when to start the cuffs - I have almost no wool left and I'm not sure how much the cuffs take. It's fairly crucial as I don't waste it since the leggies are as short as can be. I don't like cuffs that are too wide, but I don't want to waste ANY wool. Decisions, decisions.
Also going to knit Mike a hat this weekend. Basic black, very boring but that would probably be my choice too. Actually, at the PP last night I discovered I can wear a hat - it's the dreaded tuque that does me in. So I am going to knit a flat-top hat in the leftover blue Malabrigo (yum) with some sort of subdued accent colour. I figure the more I love the hat the faster spring will come so I want it to be fabulous!
The pants don't like the snow anymore than I do, all appearances to the contrary not withstanding.
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