Friday, February 8, 2008

I am powerless over the dog.

Well, turns out I'm still obsessed. I know that will come as a tremendous shock to y'all out there who know me, self-control being my absolute forte. I can't stop, and I can't help myself. Yes, I will publically admit it: I am weak.

On the other hard, there may be a bright side. I am not, absolutely not, going to send cards, letter or anything of the like. (I make no guarantees about email. I have convinced myself if I send an email after proper working hours, his secretary won't read it and he will be able to read it and do whatever with it and not worry about "others" seeing it. Cuz he's a workaholic I'm sure, like all other men.) However, I am strongly entertaining the possibility of inviting him for lunch (no, that doesn't count as email) and grilling him about the fascinating logistics of his three-sided existance. Ms. B seems to think that would be OK.

For example:
  • Three houses, yes. Three cars?
  • What kind of car?
  • Do you get to park underground?
  • Who buys your underwear? (though that one might have to be saved for a more appropriate time)
  • Do you have any friends? (There may be a more tactful way to put that...) Three sets of friends? Which leads to the inevitable three girlfriends question.
  • ... I've forgotten the rest. There's a reason I'm not a sucessful television interviewer.

Suggestions on things to ask? Appropriate or inapropriate, as you like.

Oh, and I'm finished the sock pattern, on to the heel. Not sure whether to post pics as I don't want to spoil the surprise or make Ms. B cry again. (Such a sweet, sappy girl. She might need medication. Is excessive sappiness a sign of diabetes, do you think, or just impending suicide?)


Anonymous said...

No. It is a sign of diabetes for sure.

Anonymous said...

Other question: Circumsized?