Monday, February 4, 2008

Stalking? I think not.

OK, you would think that one's coworkers would support you in sending a particularly hot colleague (perhaps the one responsible for this: ) a company-sanctioned cookie-gram. But noooooo, they think it would be borderline stalking. Humph.

So as a compromise to the poo-poo heads, we (read: me) have decided on a Spiderman Valentine's day card instead. Mildly humourous in an "I think you're hot but am not allowed to say so" sort of way? I think it's hilarious, but B's been doing a whole lotta eyerolling. C asked what I though the border for stalking behaviour was.


Stalking is when one person harasses the other and the behaviour is NOT reciprocated. This is not so the case (see linky above for proof). At least not yet. Spiderman might push him over the edge.

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