Thursday, February 7, 2008

Who knew?

Someone is actually reading my blog! I find that a complete revelation. Look! I've had 21 visitors, and I don't think that includes me (though my blog skills are pretty weak and I may have ballsed up the settings).

Initially, I found this kind of creepy but as B says, what the hell do you have a blog for then? People are SUPPOSED to read it. So now I'm over it. Bring it on. I'm just waiting for the comments saying shut up you psycho bitch, but time will tell...

So if ya don't like it, go away. Otherwise, carry on.

Also, Feb 13 is Dead Bra day.
I had no idea. If I had I would have saved all the zillions I just chucked and made a display in the cafeteria.

My Haiku for the contest (not really)

My boobs, once perky
Now look down instead of up
The knife is calling

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