Wednesday, February 27, 2008

No guts, no glory

So after sending a series of harassing emails to my little friend yesterday (relax, it was only two - one first thing in the morning and one before I left as I still hadn't heard from him) and perusing his availability, I concluded that he would likely want to have lunch today (if he hadn't decided I was harassing him, which I very much feared).

I dressed with intent this morning, trying to select the perfect balance of stylishly corporate and subtly sexy. Of course that was a total disaster, especially since I slept in the tee shirt I though might make a good accompaniment to the pants and jacket combo. Good planning, sunshine.

Plan B - regular black shirt, black pants, shoes rather that boots as my sole concession to glamour. Of course the moment I step outside I freeze my titties off as the temperature has plunged from near zero to minus a gazillion.

I drag my sorry ass in to work through the acres of wind chill and dude has finally got back to me. All systems are go. Standby for liftoff. I'm about to crash and burn in fiery flames if I don't keep a very tight watch on what comes out of my mouth.

Oh yeah, and you lazy-ass bitches who didn't come to work this morning? (you know who you are). You get NO details until tomorrow. I hope ebola is good to you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

SHeiser! can't believe I missed all this. I don't think my ebola is any better, but i need to hear the highlights. KISS ON BOTH CHEEKS.