Monday, February 25, 2008

Sock therapy

On a more pleasant note: I got to see I's baby yesterday - how very, very cute! There's nothing like a baby. In fact maybe it was the baby fumes that set me off (see mental breakdown below).

And - drumroll please - I managed to pick up the stitches for those damn navy socks. I've been waiting for the perfect opportunity, which would involve great lighting and minimal distraction for about an hour, but I finally figured out that was never going to happen in this lifetime. So I booted the kids outside yesterday and went outside to do it. With the help of an extra 6 teenie weenie dpns, I did it! It was warm outside and the light was excellent and the kids were firmly buried in a snowbank, so all was good. Now all I have left is an acre of decreasing (I still don't have my Etsy markers, grrrr), two acres of size bazillion foot and I'm done! (We shall not discuss the elephant in the room named Back Seam.)

Pictures? Hmmmm. I shall have to ponder that.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How rude! His foot is not a size bazillion at all! Eleventy-billion maybe.