Thursday, February 14, 2008

This is why I come to work.

My little furry friend is extremely poetic, and makes my heart go pitter pat with his not-meant-to be-romantic-and-is-totally-sending-me-the-wrong-message message exerpted below:

Early signs of Spring here with the buds on the Rose bushes swelling + breaking
through, the forsythia fattening in anticipation of a blast of yellow blossom,
and the winter pansies already in full bloom!
Across the way you can see the
Alps - snow covered + enticing skiers from all over France to line up for the
Wonderful, fantasy inducing stuff, no?

Then my fucking hilarious friend C bursts my rosy bubble. "He talks like that to everyone, all the time", she says. Imagine the boardroom convo:

Sweetly scented Q1 2008 profits are up, bursting through my azalea graph like
euro daffodils in the coporate spring. The meeting of prancing VPs went
well, as we discussed the burgeoning, bulging projects in our portfolios.
Layoffs await in the quivering bushes.

I laughed for a hour. Stick a fork in me, I'm done.

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