Why yes, Barbie. How observant of you. I have just begun to shape the toes.
Impressive - when do you think they'll be done?
Well, Barbie, since you ask - I think they might be finished this weekend. But do you think you could find some clothes for the next shoot? Maybe even just a top? A scarf? This is family content here.
I am sick. Run down, swollen glands, crusty, tired sick. Slept all day yesterday and STILL didn't feel any better. Went to the doctor today and they couldn't see anything of course, but said maybe I had mono. As if - that's the best laugh I've had all week. Mono - the kissing disease.
I made cupcakes yesterday for the kids, and to see if I could make purple icing. Talk about a colour nightmare. I made bruise colours. Tasty though, if you don't mind eating bruises. Took the rest to work so I wouldn't eat them all and used one to bribe C to get TH's office# for me. Not like I couldn't have done it myself but I don't want to leave too obvious of a trail, you know. The fact that she did that for me, and that B said my cupcakes would be irresistible made me do something a wee bit silly: I dropped off a cupcake on my way home.
Now I'd been thinking about this for a while of course, but I was hoping my common sense would prevail. I had pretty much talked myself out of it , in fact. However, the lack of negativity from my enabling friends I took as tacit permission to do this silly thing. (The fact that they didn't know what I was planning is irrelevant, highly irrelevant.)
He was not there so I left it with his secretary, such a lovely woman. In the initial plan I was going to drop off two so she didn't feel left out, but my piggy friends ate all the rest. Next time, for sure.
Get an email later saying thanks so much for the "fairy cake". He's so British it's funny. Didn't mention having sex on the office floor - always a disappointment, but unsurprising considering the amount of glass in his office.
Now what? The logical next step of course would be to proposition him but even I, with my cajones clanging the way they are lately, don't have the balls for that. So I think I will do the sensible thing - nothing.
Although it's highly probably I will change my parking habits.
HAHAHAHHAHA AHSDASJHDA HASHDJASDHASJD AHAHHAHAH Your balls certainly are clanging. I'm wearing ear protection waaaay over here in the west end. CANNOT BELIEVE you dropped a fairy cake to his office. Especially since *I* could have had the bruisy thing. HAHAHAH YOU DROPPED A CAKE TO HIS OFFICE. Well. At least its all out there now, right along with your balls.
Oh and socks are awesome too. My breasts are perkier than Barbie's though. What a skank she is.
A fairy cake! HAHAHAH im dying here.
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